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Circumstances doing it he just moving from penguin to penguin it's a penguin slaughter over here hello YouTube my name is simply can welcome back ultimate epic battle simulator there's been a new update there's a new map there's new units, so we can try out weird units okay very weird units there's a dresser and a table I, don't know why I don't know why dressers and tables go to war but, apparently in this game they do there's Santa and there's Dwarfs, we can have more fantasy battles and the new map is basically just a flat location that you can do whatever you want, with when you try to place units on mountains sometimes they go inside the mountains and get lost or stuff, like that bugs happen and now we can have infinite places to use to plant units and of course you'll be easier. To plant units so i'm assuming i could do bigger battles maybe hopefully it will survive that but let's get into. And try it out we have fantasy has a dwarf and then we have an animus which has a dresser and is capable of course we're going to have to do, a big battle of those, first stretchers and tables have to go to war not really a big battle actually we can try the big battle. From now 100,000 dressers versus a hundred thousand cable 10,000 km now on hundred thousand foot tables no they have to be in the right formation I guess they're different. Sizes so they have different things but we're gonna change that, okay that's almost the same size that was closest again let's see I want to see how they run also alright so tables, versus dressers who's gonna win we will never find out because I'm not going to wait for 10 hours for a hundred thousand verses, 100,000 to destroy each other oh that FPS drop though that didn't work out but it's actually. Better I could barely handle 100k and now I'm handling 200k with 5 FPS I think we should change that let's have 50,000 versus.

50,000 I think that's better right I hope they're going to attack. Each other though I can't remember if I put hope health position okay that's a bit better no it's still pretty bad, but look at the troops I want to see them these are the tables i'm assuming the ferocious tables look at them an army of tables they. Even make sounds nope no sounds are. Made here let's go check the dressers out and the dresses are ready to battle you let's just start this, battle see how this goes oh they chant but they're not moving but I think they look at. The movement are they moving or is it just all in my mind oh they are moving really slowly though they're way too far apart let's try to be, one of them let's be a beautiful table here 400 helps pretty good can I go any faster though you can actually make custom. Units of dressing tables too so we can create a destroyer dresser. The destroyer it's the ultimate dresser you can ever buy it killed defeats armies and armies of Orcs and dwarves and everything did you go slower if I a little faster than them. They are going slower okay. I put them closer together now and I drop them down to 20 k then we can see the battle let's see how this, goes oh you actually make it sound with his new animation who's gonna die first though o.o a dresser is down. A table is down this is so exciting so much damage they're just rocking one by one I wonder how long, this would actually take like if I wants to wait for this battle to, finish I think it'll probably take forever let's check the stat then you're pretty fast how many are dying per second maybe, three three-year dime per second I could actually just wait it out but I'm not gonna wear that let's go find something more fun than an inanimate object okay we have to. Try the dwarfs we have to we have to have a fantasy battle over here I think dwarves vs, orcs don't or hate dwarves I think there's like a feud going on there lower the ring stuff let's have 20,000. Dwars vs let's have a small thing you know. So they can actually surround them 10,000 maybe 10,000 bit better so they'll surround them completely we have started it let's see the orc the orcs are ready for battle and, the dwarves cuz they are ready look. At them oh I miss having fast FPS I can just fly straight through all these Dwarfs it's weird because is there even a. Thumb there is a Sun but the lighting is kind of off that start to battle let's see how they run I want to see how the. Dwarves were okay they're gonna go and surround them look at them you're getting ready for this. It was cool but who's stronger an orc or a dwarf I've been paid for all I, wish the scroll tube they probably will be see this is. What they're doing perfectly they're surrounding them they should surround the whole square of work that's what I'm aiming for these guys are slow, why you so slow over here little bit faster it's like an army of ants what is this kid doing oh he's filled with the. Attack they have cooler animations with other characters let's see how the. Stats are what's happening it's actually even so most probably they're pretty much the same thing let's check one out 340 I'm gonna kill two more clown I'm gonna actually try to do this how'd you. Even attack oh you just hold left click I'll we killed him no no my dudes dying no, I'm stuck damn it I died I was supposed to be. The Dwarven hero they killed all the orc we're gonna try to be sneaky here the dorks are trying to get on me. Can't let that happen oh I love to die I talk it okay so the words have that much help they have 340. Household work Oh dorks are stronger it look cool let's kill some, tours while we're here destroyed them destroy these words come on yes we killed one and we died how they did surround them completely yet, I don't know if they're going to but clearly the dwarves, are going to win because they have more people and it's pretty much even oh and we seed stuff up and they're going faster now the sound is so weird when we speed the game up it looks like. A butterfly or a mall that's the beautiful symbol there that is the battle of the lower the. Rings or the twin towers or the two. Towers all the twin towers what you're talking about nippy York sound so weird I can hear. Them they're cursing the dwarves in the orc language yeah clearly the dwarves win this battle let's try something now. I want to have some custom units okay we have to have custom unit Santa hey man what you doing, there half 300,000 300,000 that sounds alright and then 10,000 damage and then attack speed of 10 movement of 10 actually attacks bit, of 100 he's just gonna be killing everything and you know who is killing today super Santa course gonna be super Santa what did you think super Santa versus the Penguins. Of course in the North Pole you. Know they have to fight each other but we're just going to have five super Santa's against 25,000 penguins actually make it ten Santa's so no no now 510 just ten Santa's versus 25,000. Penguins and we're going to see, how fast these superstars will kill them or will the penguins win I doubt they're gonna win but, you never know for that we're gonna choose avalanche canyons oh of course we have to do it, over here in the water may be a bit put them here I mean it would make sense right they have to fight in the snow the battle of the north pole or the fastball whatever, I don't know where penguins live I said confused with that lets us penguins. On both poles I'm not sure oh look at them the Penguins are ready to fight the fences are ready to okay let's do. It come on super Santos show them what you got I love when I have no mercy oh no oh they're just destroying, all those penguins, look at this this is penguin murder the Penguins can't even catch up to them see how fast they're dying well that's fast look at them they're separating, the Penguins from their mate oh the boulders are coming I wish there was just boulders, everywhere you know it's avalanche throughout the whole level sycophant was doing he just moving from penguin to penguin it's a penguin. Slaughter over here and Santa is the person that is killing all of them all ten of them yeah I don't think Santa is ever going. To lose what do you do custom units it's just crazy can you, hear them they're so bad they're crying from older love penguins are dying and they're making a beautiful like thing art are they making art of dead penguin corpses I. Think they are look at all these. Guys poor little penguin suits there's straight on the face they're all dead I actually want to see if the pens can actually kill them so we do that let's take, control over Santa if we can oh we. Got them we got them and if I just if I hold the button it's got I need a range unit it's so hard to control them otherwise they aren't actually thinking as hell down but, they're gonna take forever. Look at them there's only about what like 10 can attack me at one time hey I just go through them Austin to walk up we can actually see how much. The Avalanche does I wish I could jump now it's so calm over here hey Santy what you're doing I want to get, hit by the avalanches see how much damage it does i never saw it because, we only tried doing a wood chuck norris and of course is how it goes down and. It goes up of course what will you say did you say something about Christmas I heard something so that didn't work out well, game crashed but it's meant to crash okay when things like this happen and you do. Crazy stuff like that it crashes we are going to do a 1 million nuke ok I have to nuke 1 million units at one time it actually fills up what's, on map you know what I think I can fill this. Out but I want to choose someone better than a heavy night to die ok this is not gonna work. Well we're gonna try new 2 million dwarves I really don't think this is gonna work but we're gonna try it anyway we're gonna have them hold position.

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I got 10 penguins they're just so they're actually battling someone and we're gonna. Try this I don't believe this is gonna work but we have to do it apparently you can't. Have two million units is 1 million 120,000 476 even though the land is flat you can't have more than that number I, guess that's the maximum it can run at ok you know what we're starting this battle I'm under, 1sps i'm at 0.7 FPS so let's nuke to clear all this house I can't, see it happen there it is oh it's so laggy I'm dying come on plz plz like.

Youtube Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator Mac Download Free

Kill enough so I can actually play the game somewhat play the game it doesn't look like you can do that it doesn't make a difference a.

Nuke em nuke more kill them all my asskiss is now drop to 0.35 I can hear, the sound but I can't see what's happening they're dead it's like someone's taking really slow screenshots or sending them to you yeah that doesn't work out. Well at least we found the limits of the game this is maximum you can possibly, have we did a lot of things today we checked out the inanimate objects the dresser and the table the new map the dwarves Santa and we had some Santa. Battle some orcish dwarf battles and of course the classic dresser versus table battle of course we have.

To do and then we try to see what's the maximum amount number of units you can actually nuke or actually spawn. And it was 1 million, 120,000 something but for now I'm gonna have to end this video here I hope you guys liked it if you enjoyed, this video gives would you like thanks for watching I will see you in the next one .


On this page you find all old versions of TABS, the pre-alpha, the open alpha and the closed alpha from 2016.

Mac os x version 10.6 2 download. TABS pre-alpha was the first public version of the game released together with pre-orders of Clustertruck.

This version includes:

Ultimate epic battle simulator mac free

- The old grid placement system

- Old units such as the poacher

- Old maps

The TABS open alpha is the 2016 version of the game which was available to everyone.

This version includes:

- Open alpha units

- 20 levels

- Visual army builder

Youtube Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator Mac Download Free Version

- Hats on the units

TABS Closed alpha is the version of the game originally only available to press and selected testers. The closed alpha hasn't been updated since 2016 and includes.

This version includes:

- The neon faction

- The 'fixed' superpeasant

Epic Battle Simulator For Free

- Second version of the dark peasant

- Closed alpha maps

If you want to discuss the game with us and other generals,

join the reddit community or discord!


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